Novel Object Recognition

LSID: http://syli.cz/urn:lsid:public.sylics.com:conventionaltest:53AD-8B3E-B94E

Materials and Methods
Mice were singly housed on sawdust in standard Makrolon type II cages enriched with cardboard nesting material for at least one week prior to experiments, with water and food ad libitum (7:00/19:00 lights on/off; providing an abrupt phase transition).

Associated Mammalian Phenotype Ontologies (MGI)
- MP:0003461 abnormal response to novel object
- MP:0001362 abnormal anxiety-related response
- MP:0001392 abnormal locomotor behaviour

Novel object and place object task
The test was conducted in open field boxes, the day after the open field test. The testing day was divided into three phases: familiarization (F), novel place (NP) recognition and novel object (NO) recognition. During the initial familiarization stage, two identical objects were placed in the North and South corner of the arena equidistant (10 cm) from both walls. Each mouse was introduced in the West corner of the arena for 10 min to explore the objects and returned to the home cage afterwards. For NP recognition testing 2 hours later, mice were introduced for 5 min in the same arena with identical objects, of which one was placed in the East instead of the South corner. For NO recognition testing 2 hours after the NP testing, mice were introduced for 5 min in the same arena with a familiar object in the North corner and a novel object in the East corner. Object exploration was scored when the head of the animal was detected in a square zone (7.5 x 7.5 cm) containing the object, as detected by video tracking software (Viewer 2, BIOBSERVE GmbH, Bonn, Germany). The objects for a mouse to discriminate consisted of plastic Lego stacks of identical color but different shape (cube or pyramid). From mouse to mouse the color of the objects (red, yellow or blue) as well as the role of the pyramid shape (familiar or novel) were randomized and counterbalanced across genotypes. The arena and objects were cleaned with water and 70% ethanol after each trial. The basic measure was the time (in s) taken by the mice to explore the objects in the NP and NO trial. The performance was evaluated by calculating a discrimination index (N-F/N+F), where N = time spent exploring the object in the new location (NP) or the novel object (NO), F= time spent exploring the object in familiar location (NP) or familiar object (NO). The discrimination index was calculated for the first 2 minutes and the subsequent 2 minutes (i.e. min 3 and 4) after introduction into the arena.

Parameter information
Parameter nameUnits
Sample: Distance movedcm
Sample: Velocitycm/sec
Sample: Latency to first exploration of objectSeconds
Sample: Number of visits to objectNumber
Sample: Distance moved per minutecm
Sample: Visits to object 1 per minuteNumber
Sample: Visits to object 2 per minuteNumber
Sample: Visits preference index (min 1-2 vs 3-4)Preference index
Sample: Duration to object 1 per minuteSeconds
Sample: Duration to object 2 per minuteSeconds
Sample: Duration preference index (min 1-2 vs 3-4)Preference index
Place: Distance movedcm
Place: Velocitycm/sec
Place: Latency to first exploration of objectSeconds
Place: Number of visits to objectNumber
Place: Distance moved per minutecm
Place: Visits to object 1 per minuteNumber
Place: Visits to object 2 per minuteNumber
Place: Visits preference index (min 1-2 vs 3-4)Preference index
Place: Duration to object 1 per minuteSeconds
Place: Duration to object 2 per minuteSeconds
Place: Duration preference index (min 1-2 vs 3-4)Preference index
Object: Distance movedcm
Object: Velocitycm/sec
Object: Latency to first exploration of objectSeconds
Object: Number of visits to objectNumber
Object: Distance moved per minutecm
Object: Visits to object 1 per minuteNumber
Object: Visits to object 2 per minuteNumber
Object: Visits preference index (min 1-2 vs 3-4)Preference index
Object: Duration to object 1 per minuteSeconds
Object: Duration to object 2 per minuteSeconds
Object: Duration preference index (min 1-2 vs 3-4)Preference index
Object: Visits preference index (min 1-2)Preference index
Object: Visits preference index (min 3-4)Preference index
*Object: Duration preference index (min 1-2)Preference index
Object: Duration preference index (min 3-4)Preference index
Place: Visits preference index (min 1-2)Preference index
Place: Visits preference index (min 3-4)Preference index
*Place: Duration preference index (min 1-2)Preference index
Place: Duration preference index (min 3-4)Preference index