Experiment name: SOD1 reference
LSID: http://syli.cz/urn:lsid:public.sylics.com:experiment:4273-G72E-9D65

TreatmentAmountAdministration routeAdministration time

Treatment info:
Male and female SOD1 mice (SOD1-G93A) on C57BL/6J background were longitudinally followed in automated home-cages (PhenoTyper, Noldus IT) and data was analyzed using AHCODA (Sylics). The analysis of spontaneous behavior in the PhenoTyper extracted 20 key parameters, as explained in detail here:http://www.sylics.com/bioinformatics/testing-protocols/spontaneous-behaviour/

Several spontaneous behavior parameters detected motor function impaired in the SOD1 model. The maximum velocity of the 10% fastest movement segments decreases with age (see here: http://syli.cz/G). Also, the number of times a mouse jumps on top of the shelter decreased with age (see here: http://syli.cz/H).

Interestingly, general during the dark phase is affected to a lesser extent (see: http://syli.cz/J), suggesting that simply looking at activity in this model is less sensitive in comparison to the above parameters.

Mouse info:
Mouse ID Strain Coat color Genotype Ear tag Internal ID Sex Date of Birth Sub experiment 1 Sub experiment 2 Sub experiment 3