Experiment name: 5xFAD (reference)
LSID: http://syli.cz/urn:lsid:public.sylics.com:experiment:E257-G38E-9A46

TreatmentAmountAdministration routeAdministration time

Treatment info:
Order of behavioural testing
PhenoTyper Spontaneous Behaviour
PhenoTyper Appetitive Conditioning
PhenoTyper Avoidance Learning

Nesting test
Fear Conditioning

Detailed information:
At 20 weeks of age, the5xFAD transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease does not show large differences in activity in the automated home-cage environment. Two parameters of the key set of 20 spontaneous behavior parameters showed a significant difference. The short shelter visit threshold is lower in TG mice compared with WT mice. The mean activity duration in the light phase was significantly lower in TG mice. Besides these 2 parameters of the set of 20 key parameters, none of the 95 remaining parameters was significantly different except for the mean short shelter visit duration (highly correlated to the short shelter visit threshold), suggesting a highly specific effect on sheltering behavior in the mutant. It is tempting to speculate that the lower short shelter visits threshold relates to hippocampal dysfunction in this mouse, as evident from impaired nesting scores and the trend towards significant decrease in contextual fear conditioning of TG mice.

Mouse info:
Mouse ID Strain Coat color Genotype Ear tag Internal ID Sex Date of Birth Sub experiment 1 Sub experiment 2 Sub experiment 3