Grip strength meter

LSID: http://syli.cz/urn:lsid:public.sylics.com:conventionaltest:947D-3B73-BA2E

Materials and Methods
Mice were singly housed on sawdust in standard Makrolon type II cages enriched with cardboard nesting material for at least one week prior to experiments, with water and food ad libitum (7:00/19:00 lights on/off; providing an abrupt phase transition).

Associated Mammalian Phenotype Ontologies (MGI)
- MP:0001515 abnormal grip strength

Grip strength
Neuromuscular function was assessed by sensing the peak amount of force (N) mice applied in grasping a pull bar connected to a force meter (1027DSM Grip Strength Meter, Columbus instruments, Columbus, OH, USA). Mice were allowed to grasp the pull bar 5 times with front paws only, followed by grasping 5 times with front and hind paws. The median of each 5 repetitions was taken as grip strength.

Parameter information
Parameter nameUnits
Strength front paws (mean)Newton
Strength front and hind paws (mean)Newton
*Strength front paws (median)Newton
*Strength front and hind paws (median)Newton